Here at Prairie Precision Steel we get asked lots about what we accept for payment and admittedly our website has a some what awkward way of going about payment especially for those that don't use or don't have a PayPal account. When going through the checkout page the website will ask you to continue to PayPal to complete the payment. Once you click next you will then be given the option to sign into your PayPal account or if you scroll down a little there is a option for payment with credit card. PayPal is only involved as an insurance provider for our online payments. Insurance that extends both ways to us and our customers should the unforeseen happen!
We accept payment by
We accept payment by
- Credit Card/ debit
- Mailed in cheques ( phone in orders)
- Electronic money transfers/ EMT ( can be sent to [email protected])
- Billed out invoice via PayPal (which can be payed with EMT, credit card or directly from a PayPal account)
- Direct from a PayPal account